Sex Drive Development Report #1

Hello, everyone!

First of all, I have to apologize for my silence in the last few months. Recently I wrote a post where I briefly addressed this, but the short version of it is that since late 2023 I've gone through a number of intense personal issues, mainly but not limited to multiple severe health issues in my immediate family that kept me both busy and emotionally exhausted.

I am deeply sorry for the delays in production that has caused — both in regards to Sex Drive and Minotaur Hotel, but in particular to the people who have shown their support to this project with donations. I want to clearly reassure you that we are all back to work and pushing both projects forward at an excellent pace. I have, in fact, moved to a new place and have enjoyed a lot more time to dedicate to my writing, which I'm sure will lead to quicker development times. Today we'll cover the news regarding Sex Drive, with Minotaur Hotel's next DevLog coming up in a few weeks, I hope.

Let's take a step back for a bit first and look at Sex Drive as a project; at its basest level it's a collection of erotica, not a standard gay furry visual novel. That sounds simple at first but Eddio and I are trying to do it our way, which to an extent is already visible in the production values we've poured into it. Still, we couldn't exactly tell what the reception would be like after the demo's release since this project is such a departure from how gay furry visual novels usually go. There was a significant level of uncertainty there, and with it an uncertainty on how far we could go, what would and wouldn't work, how people would react to Rod and the tidbits of backstory we sprinkled here and there. There's more imagination that's required with a format that focuses more on the writing itself and isn't supplemented with sprites and CGs. However, we're confident now that this unique sort of medium is the best way to tell these stories, as it allows us much more freedom for unique storytelling elements that we can't do in a standard visual novel format.

Like I said, the response to Sex Drive was very positive, but what really caught my eye was that the negative criticism we received, more often than not, pointed towards a desire to know more about Rod. That was, in a way, our best case scenario. We had, after all, left hints of plot there that we'd like to explore, such as Rod's husband, and with all the positive response we concluded that our creative vision pointed in the right direction.

Now, this is all very relevant because...

Story #3: EUROTRIP

Sex Drive's 3rd story, EUROTRIP, introduces the game's plot and cast — that means Pat (Rod's husband) and their two personal assistants, Ernest and Arthur, who you can see in this gorgeous commission from GigaSaddle. Juggling all that was not easy, but the extra time we had allowed us to very meticulously polish every character, every element of the plot, to a mirror sheen. I can honestly say that, in terms of the writing process, this story has been one of my most challenging and rewarding works. Incidentally, it is likely to be the longest story in the game. There really was no other way it could go, seeing as it sets up so many things.

And I can proudly say that EUROTRIP is written and edited. Right now it's just a straight line of getting all the assets done, which are many to fill up such a beefy tale. This means we don't have a release date yet, but believe me when I say we're hard at work, the way forward is clear and it will be worth the wait.

What we do have to show now, on top of Giga's commission, is something Eddio cooked up in the process of finalizing all the character designs. Let's begin with a familiar face and his mysterious husband.

Rod and Pat are two old men who've stuck together through thick and thin for what feels like an eternity. We prepared a very tender dynamic for the two of them, which I hope you'll enjoy. They also have a long history, and we'll even show some highlights of their distant past.

But we still have two more characters to share with you — the two assistants who work in the shadows to make sure everything's always running smoothly with Rod and Pat.

So far Sex Drive's focus has been squarely on Rod, but EUROTRIP shakes it up a bit by moving the spotlight to Pat and his personal assistant, Ernest, while still showcasing how those four men interact and relate to each other. You should expect a more mellow tone — there'll be sexy times, but there'll be more tenderness, emotion and connection. Further along in the game it'll also be more apparent that each character brings in a different erotic flavor, so to speak, and their interactions at times bring out unique sides of each other as well.

And, just to be clear, EUROTRIP's writing and editing are complete, the only obstacles left are getting the assets done.

Extra Story Content

All the support we received convinced us to go ahead and add into the game an idea we really wanted to do, but weren't sure would work. Starting with the next version of Sex Drive, we'll also include what we are calling VIGNETTES. They are meant to be short segments in-between the main stories which will either bridge the gap between them or explore the characters' past. This allows us to present this side of the game in a bolder way without hindering the main stories' replayability.

We're also working on another variety of content, MEMORIES, which will be bite-sized stories focusing on smaller erotic ideas. Those segments will let us explore fun premises that wouldn't work as main stories, while also giving more depth to Rod and Pat's relationship. MEMORIES will have fewer or no variations because they, for the most part, will revolve around a specific kink. Think of them as bonus mini-stories made possible by the support we received, which despite being canonical to the game are neither required to progress nor essential to the plot.

Don't worry, we'll make sure to put up appropriate content warnings on them so you know exactly what you're getting into.

As of today we have multiple Vignettes and one Memory written. The first two Vignettes are in the final editing stages.

What To Expect From the Next Build

Build 0.2 will contain Story #3, EUROTRIP, and at least one Vignette, maybe two or one Vignette and one Memory. Originally we wanted to include two main stories in this build, but we want to push out a new version ASAP and the 3rd story is more than satisfactory on its own — it's longer than the first two stories combined.

While the assets get done, I'll be focusing my full attentions back on Minotaur Hotel — which means you'll be getting a DevLog for it in a bit. I can't promise any specifics, but I hope I can deliver substantive news in the next month.

If you're here only for Sex Drive, though, rest assured that the projects are not really taking time away from each other. Build 0.3 will come out relatively quickly after 0.2, as most of the writing for it is done and in the process of being edited. Once again it'll mostly be about getting assets done. Speaking of which...


I want to leave you with just a little teaser of Sex Drive's 4th story. This one will bring the focus back to Rod and another one of his horny adventures, but with a different kind of partner than his usual. There will be just a little more somberness, while at the same time we'll be adding content to some of the kinks that weren't explored in the stories so far.

That's it for now! I hope to bring more good news soon!

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Looks nice. I like the Arthur and Ernest art! Also coincidence, I have a bull fursona who's also named Ernest. 😃


Love where this is going


You know I thought it would be interesting to read this but after I checked out the demo and download it was mostly just reading from a diary I don't know I felt off not like Minotaur Hotel which I can't wait to return whenever that does finish up also I want you to know I'm not trying to discourage you or anything I'm just surprised no backgrounds or anything with the demo


Yeah, like we said in the DevLog, Sex Drive is not a standard furry VN and we're trying to play with the format. It's very different, and it allows us to work on a kind of narrative that flows differently.

I hope Sex Drive can grow on you with time, but if not it's OK. We'll have news for our other projects soon.


thank you brother I know that sex drive will be paid compared to Minotaur Hotel being free at least that's what I remember from your first the blog for it but I really do want to give it a shot


I'm very excited to get to meet Pat, Arthur and Ernest! Love these character sheets. The vignettes sound like a great idea to introduce more background on the characters without trying to force it into a main stories if it doesn't flow with the rest of the content. And the memories seem like an excellent way to include more fun raunchy sexcapades without having to worry too much about set ups and pay offs other than to make the reader cum.


Just remind me. I moved a year ago and have lots of family problems. .

Thank you for devolpment report I can't wait new version sex drive to play you did great job congratlions