Build 0.8 Progress Report

It's with great joy that we announce that writing for Chapter 20 of Minotaur Hotel is done.

This chapter has grown quite a lot from its original plan. I don't want to go in details here, lest I spoil the surprise, but there are many reasons why this chapter had to be bigger and pack more content than our usual. The least spoiler-ish explanation I can give is that it was necessary to ensure a smooth development of the game going forward — which is a very vague thing to say now, but will eventually make sense.

The final result is something we're immensely proud of in all regards — the character writing, the mythology, the poetry, the eroticism, the fun and lighthearted segments. There is an incredible amount of variation in this chapter, which we tackled to acknowledge players' choices earlier in the game and to give every single player an experience that can cater to their tastes in one way or another, as much as it is compatible with the story. The word count for this build alone has gone beyond 100,000 — I will not specify more than that, though I want to state that the number of variations we wrote means that no single playthrough will see all the text.

I must give special thanks to all who sent their input in the many surveys we did over the years — your comments were invaluable — and to our incredible readers who, so often, wrote impressively insightful criticisms on the forum and in their reviews.

Writing the final stretch of this chapter has been the most intensive writing challenge of my life. For the last 4 months, Kangarube and I have worked 4 to 6 nights per week, usually putting no less than 3 hours of writing time every night. On the slower weeks we did 4 days of writing and 1 day of outlining and brainstorming, while on the more intense weeks we brought the entire writing team together for all hands on deck collaborative writing sessions, some of which lasted 6 hours or more. More often than not, our sessions ended no earlier than 1AM. It has been a lot of work; dedicated work, intense work, engineering scenes and variations together, extensive research, meetings to solidify ideas — a challenging but gratifying routine of artistic creation.

During those 4 months, my focus was exclusively on Minotaur Hotel save for precisely two short periods — a week in late October in which I dedicated myself to Devil's Gambit, and the holiday period between December 24th and January 7th, in which I worked on Sex Drive and again on Devil's Gambit. On the topic of Sex Drive, the writing and editing for the next build is completely done and Eddio is working intensely on the assets we need, and we should have news soon. To those who were concerned that those projects would be a distraction from Minotaur Hotel, I assure you that is not the case, as you will soon see when Chapter 20 comes out.

A little more than half of Chapter 20 is completely written and edited, 100% done and ready to be coded. Then we have a quarter that is edited, with a few pending suggestions that I'm approving now. The final quarter, which includes the scenes with particularly excessive amount of variations, still has a few gaps to be filled during the editing process — but it's just that, gaps.

The immediate next step is to take our writing and put it in the game — a gargantuan task considering the sheer volume of text on the table. In order to quicken this process we're bringing in Wattson, a seasoned programmer who contributes to a number of on-going VNs and has provided code for us along the years (most notably the drag-and-drop interface on the management screen). He'll be porting the writing to ren'py while the team edits the rest of the text. We will also have background by GigaSaddle, a dear friend who's already contributed with assets, Themba's design many of the pin-ups we commissioned. 

Still, we cannot provide an estimate of when the next build will be ready for release. There is a lot of work ahead, and I do not want to put undue pressure on the rest of the team. But I assure you that we are sparing no expenses and putting in our all to deliver the next build as soon as possible.

For our readers who became anxious or concerned about our extended silence, I want to say that I did not want to post a DevLog until we had concrete news about the game's development. I also want to say that I understand that your emotions come from a place of deep connection and care towards us and Minotaur Hotel. While we still do not have a release date, I hope that the unequivocally positive news about the project can assuage your concerns.

My intention is to bring the next build's release date along with our next DevLog. I hope to see you then, and I hope what we have in store will be an unforgettable experience. Thank you for your patience.


Get Minotaur Hotel


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(2 edits) (+1)

Wow! I'm seriously impressed! It sounds like you guys are really outdoing yourselves! For reference, 100,000 words is more than many novels. To Kill a Mockingbird is slightly less than 100,00 words. That's not to account for the exorbitant effort in the implementing from text to Renpy, and large amounts of coding required.
This update sounds like it will be  simply awe inspiring! Keep up the awesome work, folks! I look forward to seeing what you come up with! <3


So excited to read


There is so much content in this VN, truly several novels worth. The time and effort this takes and the product of all that work makes it so easy to be patient. So excited to see what comes next for the Minotaur and his hotel.


OMG  can't wait to get my way with Themba, hopefully this will be the time; amazing work, congrats and thank you for the hard work, You guys are all amazing 


I want to know when build 0.8 going to be released?

(2 edits) (+2)

I have no clue why your comment has so many dislikes as you asked a simple question, but the dev has stated that the release of chapter 20 will come along with a Devlog. Just be patient, although I can't help be excited for the release of chapter 20 as well. I have never cared that much for a VN such as I do now.


I can't wait! I've been passing the time enjoying your other projects, but MH is one of my all time favourites. To see a devlog about my favourite moo made my day.




Yay an update finally! i missed this game so much so happy to hear we'll have the next build soon


I'm so excited to see that more material is coming! Thank you so much for your hard work.  Your team has brought much joy to my life. 


sounds like Ch. 20 is going to be a beast. i wonder how difficult it will be to find all the variations in the text.


Honestly, this is the pace that has made this my top 1 favorite visual novel so far, so I welcome it. It's better to see an author or team working at whatever flow suits them best than to watch a project you love and care about start to suffer from burnout due to the pressure and rhythm of constant updates.

I'm very excited to see it when it's done, and I'm grateful for the hard work you put into it.


*heavy breathing*



My mind is racing with all of the possibilities to come. So excited for the end result, as I know you, and the team always make time well spent!


I'm excited to see what you guys have been cooking! 💖💖💖💖🥰


A big thanks for the Update! I could imagine the hard work but had no idea about how many hours and nights it really takes... Thanks again, for all the time and hard work! 


could youmaybe  add some paw related stuff?


I'm sorry sir but this is a hoofed household.

(1 edit) (+3)

maybe what about some small quest from or for a side character



thank you


what a nice way to kick my ass and tell me to read chapter 19 already /j

i am seated and patiently waiting for the next update!!!!!



Also is GigaSaddle back ? 


thanks for the update! keep up the great work!

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